Clegg Brings On New Veeps, Adds Sales Staff

Michael Bistocchi was recently rehired at Torrance, California-based Clegg Industries after spending the last six years on the distributor side of the industry. Bistocchi was most recently director of sales at top 40 distributorship PromoShop. Bistocchi returns to Clegg as vice president of sales.

“Working with the likes of Memo Kahan, Jim Buescher, Bob Levitt, Kris Robinson and Tad Webster was like being part of the first team [industry] distributor all stars,” Bistocchi said. “The knowledge, experience and creativity flowing in and out of that place was amazing. It was a daily dose of sales, marketing and creativity with some of the top sales people in the industry. A wonderful experience that I would never traded for. But, in the end, the opportunity at Clegg was just too enticing,” concluded Bistocchi.

Owner and CEO Tim Clegg and new Clegg president, Peter Barbaresi, recruited Bistocchi back to re-energize the overall sales effort. Along with the hiring of Bistocchi, Barbaresi also recruited industry veteran Jennifer Grigorian to head up the marketing team.

Grigorian most recently was director of advertising and marketing with industry supplier Sweda. She assumes the role of vice president of marketing and merchandising. “I am thrilled to join Clegg given their product line and incredible innovation. I am already amazed at what we have in the pipeline that will make 2009 and 2010 truly exciting,” Grigorian said. She added, “I look forward to meshing my larger company experience with this smaller but very nimble, aggressive and proactive company.”

In addition, Bistocchi, as part of the overall effort to bolster the sales force hired industry veteran Sasha Pirrie as west coast regional sales manager. She will be responsible for Wash., Ore., Calif., Nev. and Ariz. territories. Bistocchi also increased his inside sales team to 10 account managers and promoted Peter Lichtenstein to inside sales manager.

Bistocchi had this final word about his new home, “Clegg has always been a creative leader on the supplier side of our industry. We are, now more than ever, focused, and truly better positioned, to further leverage our expanding product line and bring more marketing solutions to our distributor partners.”

For more information on Clegg Industries, visit

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