Make sure to sign up for tomorrow’s free, one-hour webinar “Product Safety: Not just the right way to do business, the WAY to do business.”
Learn how to protect your business with tips from three industry leaders, whose businesses are on the forefront of corporate social responsibility. They will discuss product safety and the challenges it brings.
It will feature Jon Levine, president of The Image Group; Brandon Mackay, CEO and president of SnugZ USA; and Jeremy Lott, president of SanMar. Kyle Richardson, Promo Marketing’s editor-in-chief, will moderate the webinar, which is sponsored by the Quality Certification Alliance, an independent, nonprofit accreditation organization for the promotional products industry.
This product safety webinar is set for 2 p.m. ET tomorrow, and there is still time to register. If you are unable to attend, sign up to watch the webinar on-demand after the live event.
Please email questions to [email protected] or call (215) 238-5300. For information on other webinars, visit our webinar page.