Navitor Receives G7 Master Printer Qualification

After substantial investment in training and technology, North Mankato, Minnesota-based Navitor has been awarded the prestigious G7 Master Printer Qualification following a rigorous quality review process through IDEAalliance.

With Navitor’s new color management system, reproduction is controlled through printing to gray balance. This allows impeccable color alignment between proofs, offset, digital and other full-color devices across Navitor’s manufacturing process.

“Navitor is committed more than ever toward advancing our technology to provide our resellers the quality they expect and demand for their customers,” said Dave Spangenberg, process manager for Navitor. ” G7 Qualification raises the bar to the next level for our partners to ensure their continuing competitive advantage in the marketplace.”

G7 Qualification brings the goal of “printing to the numbers” one step closer to reality. An IDEAlliance’s industry leading set of best practices for achieving gray balance, G7 is the driving force for achieving visual similarity across all print processes.

The G7 Master Printer Qualification mark means that the company uses the most modern technology, techniques, proofing and press control standards required – producing a close visual match from proof to print.

To learn more, visit Navitor’s website.

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