Norwood Shows Support For Industry With Platinum Donation To PPEF

Irving, Texas-based Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF) announced that Norwood Promotional Products of Indianapolis has committed to join the PPEF Tomorrow Fund at the platinum level with a $120,000 donation to be paid over the next 12 years.

“Our platinum level donation to the PPEF Tomorrow Fund sends the message that we are investing in and are committed to the promotional products industry, and we value higher education,” said Paul Lage, MAS, president of Norwood Promotional Products. “Because education has been a centerpiece for the Association and the industry, Norwood, as one of the largest industry suppliers, has the responsibility to be a leader and supporter of this industry cause.”

Lage believes higher education and professional development create opportunities for achieving greater goals. “Supporting this program enhances the expertise of the industry. As industry practitioners, the best favor we can do for ourselves is to become as educated as possible about industry topics, and gain an understanding of outside economic influences impacting our industry as a whole.”

PPEF was organized to foster education for industry employees and their dependents by providing financial assistance through scholarships and grants for pursuing educational opportunities.

Wayne Greenberg, MAS, PPEF fundraising vice chair and president of JB of Florida Inc. explained the fund’s purpose. “The Tomorrow Fund allows caring, benevolent companies such as Norwood to become major contributors to PPEF over a period of time. Norwood’s pledge at the platinum level is not just taking a leadership role, but it also demonstrates a commitment to the health of the promotional products industry—now and for the future.”

PPEF was founded in 1989 by industry leaders as a way to give back to the promotional products community. “At this time, we are focusing on giving back to this industry that has supported Norwood and its employees in so many ways for many years,” said Lage. “We hope our employees take advantage of this program and encourage their children to apply. With almost 2,000 employees, I know we have a lot of potential candidates!”

“The children of every industry employee, from office staff to screen printers, are eligible for PPEF scholarships,” said Greenberg.” The Tomorrow Fund offers distributors and suppliers the opportunity to participate in a foundation that is an employee benefit for their entire workforce.”

Since its inception, PPEF has awarded $525,000 in college scholarships to 241 recipients, $21,000 in professional development grants to 22 industry practitioners for participation in industry-related education sessions, and has budgeted to award $125,000 in scholarships and grants this year.

For more information about the PPEF, visit

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