Prime Line, located in Bridgeport, Conn., the released the first product video from its new PrimeVideo series. The video features Prime Line’s Expandable Auto Organizer (item LT-4508), which was introduced earlier this year.
Prime Line produced the video in two formats: a standard (distributor) version and a client-safe (end-buyer) version, which allows distributors to add their logo and contact information.
“In creating this series, we focused on providing distributors and end-buyers with ideas on how our products can be used and sold,” said David Fiderer, director of marketing for Prime Line. “We show the item in a real-life scenario and also identify potential markets with a graphic and line that reads: ‘the Expandable Auto Organizer is popular with promotional buyers at grocery stores, automotive companies, businesses with a mobile sales force and any organization looking to project an Eco-Responsible image.'”
“The PrimeVideo series is another example of our ongoing effort to provide distributors with more and better selling tools and ideas,” said Jeff Lederer, president of Prime Line. “Already this year, we’ve introduced a Success Stories case history series, quarterly-themed flyers, single product schematic flyers along with Fresh Ideas For Programs & Company Stores and Continuity Collections.”
The video was shot on location in Los Angeles. Prime Line is expected to release four additional product videos in October.
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