Bonus Tips
Like extra candy in your stocking, here are two holiday sales pointers to add a little joy to your sales world:
1. Think “Account Penetration”
Depending on a company’s size, it can have a great number of promotional product buyers (Schaffer stated that a large American corporation can have from 50 to 100 buyers). Given their cultural ubiquity and their value to companies both internally and externally, holiday items can be a useful way to establish yourself with other buyers within a client. “It’s part of your yearly summertime sweep to find out who’s buying and where you can prospect,” said Schaffer.
2. Buy Early
Products with heavily seasonal buying cycles, such as calendars or greeting cards, will often be marked down considerably during off-peak months. With holiday items, start searching around now if you can to lock up a pricing advantage on your winter promotions. Schaffer cited July specifically as the best time to start buying calendars.