To keep up with the surge in orders, Hanover, Pennsylvania-based Quinn welcomed three more professionals to the family of “printing superheroes.”

Carrie Mosley joins the bustling graphic artist team, using her collaborative style and mix of art, marketing and service experience to bring life into artwork and free virtual mock-ups. When asked what superhero power she’d like to use at Quinn, she said she’d like to be an invisible fly on the wall so she could observe all departments to know how everything works, so she could do the best job possible.

Joe Small begins his Quinn adventure as a product coordinator after being referred by another happy Quinn co-worker. His 12 years in the telecommunications industry taught Joe how to be flexible and adaptable, the mark of a true superhero.

Sarah Mayberry steps into the administrative team role as a new communicator after seven years serving clients in a deadline-driven environment. Her former managers raved about her teamwork, quick-study abilities, and her desire to go above and beyond. Her superhero power: to protect.
For more information on Quinn, visit