Safeguard Completes Purchase of Idaho Business Forms Inc.

Safeguard, a top 50 distributor and member of Deluxe Corp. based in Dallas, has acquired Idaho Business Forms Inc. (IDF) of Boise, Idaho. Terms of the acquisition were not announced.

IBF is recognized as a leading provider of print products, branding, business forms and supplies as well as W-2 and 1099 processing services. In 2012, Print Solutions magazine ranked IBF no. 38 on its Top 50 PSDA Member Distributors list.

R. Scott Sutton, vice president of Safeguard, said, “Our acquisition of IBF adds to the Safeguard network a talented, passionate and successful group of dedicated employees; strong relationships with over 1,500 customers who view IBF as a business solutions provider; and a fantastic, innovative approach to providing W2 processing services to small business customers. In addition, we can now leverage the strength of Safeguard’s leading manufacturing capabilities and business services offerings to offer each customer additional resources to help them run and grow their business.”

Beyond IBF, Safeguard has continued to grow its network and has most recently completed several acquisition and related transactions, including four (4) other Top 50 PSDA Member Distributors. These include: Innovative Print & Media Group, DocuSource Print Management, Consolidated Graphic Communications, and SWAG (Safeguard Web and Graphics). Other recent acquisition and related transactions completed by Safeguard include: Intraform, Print Concepts, Print Data East Coast, AccuSource Solutions, Advent Business Forms, Blue Moon Promotions, and Bradley Marketing Group.

“With a history of market strength and success, IBF will add to our growing strength and presence in the western US, where we recently completed acquisitions of Docusource (Portland) and Advent (Seattle),” Sutton said.

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