Jeff Anderton of now is bringing his unique knowledge and talent to SnugZ USA, West Jordan, Utah.
Anderton has spent several years producing and distributing industry video content for a core of the top suppliers and distributors via his curated platform, Anderton now comes to SnugZ USA as its senior content strategist to conceptualize and produce content-focused campaigns across both social and traditional platforms.
“There are so many things I’ve been wanting to do creatively, within both how content can be distributed to help our distributors and what level of content can be made that was never possible as a third party service provider,” Anderton said. “I’m excited to have this unique opportunity to work internally with the SnugZ team to show what can be done. SnugZ has always been very open minded and creatively progressive within this realm.”
“We couldn’t be more excited to parlay the work we have been doing together into something even bigger and better,” said Brandon Brown, director of marketing for SnugZ USA. “The industry needs video to help it move forward, and this new team is going to turn some heads.”
For more information on SnugZ USA, visit