Sweda Company LLC, City of Industry, Calif., announced today that it has earned the 2010 Supplier of the Year honors from The Legacy Group (Promo Shop, CSE, John Michael & Associates, Target Marketing Group and Chamberlin Marketing Group).
“Sweda’s service, product line and collaborative approach to helping us grow our business is a model that clearly sets them apart from the rest of the industry. Plain and simple, they make it easy to sell their line,” said Mark Ziskind, COO.
“Over the past years, Sweda has exemplified everything one could ask for from a supplier partner,” said Guillermo “Memo” Kahan, president of Promo Shop. “Sweda has stepped up their service levels; they have produced quality items, and have delivered on all of their promises. As this honor was not easily achieved, we congratulate and thank all the employees at Sweda for making 2010 a most successful partnership.”
Jim Hagan, president/CEO of Sweda Company LLC, said, “The teamwork and service integrity we demonstrate are part of our core values. We really believe in these attributes. The Legacy Group are strong partners with Sweda and we deeply appreciate this acknowledgement.”
For more information, visit www.swedausa.com.