We are inundated with printed images. While the steady decline of newspapers and other forms of print gives a general societal impression that print is a dying industry, the truth is that we are surrounded by more print in more places on more things than ever before. The use of printed images in our environment has proliferated.

Enabled by continual development of digital print technologies, almost everything we use has images printed on it in one form or another. Just about anything we can imagine being printed, can be printed, and is. Online ordering systems drive evermore printed editions of one. (For more see: The Target Report: On-Demand Print & Merch is BIG Business for Private Equity – November 2024.) In our malls and shopping centers, entire retail environments are created, and recreated, again and again, in short time, with the use of printed graphics. Cultural venues, such as museums, are rich with graphic displays that keep up with the times and changing exhibitions. Tall buildings are wrapped and draped. Vehicles of every sort carry branding and messages.
Read the rest of this feature on Printing Impressions.