How Can I Use QuickBooks Premier While Out of the Office?

Question: I like QuickBooks Premier, but I would like to be able to use it when out of the office. Is there a way to do that? Answer: Yes, there are several ways to work remotely with QB Premier. One is using a remote viewer software, like LogMeIn or TeamViewer, where you can remotely log into the PC where your QB Premier…

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How to Fix Payments from Check to Credit Card in QuickBooks

Ask the Accountant… Question: I recorded bill payments as being paid by check instead of by credit card. How do I fix that? Answer: QuickBooks is very forgiving. Just go into the checking account register and delete the payments you recorded by check or electronic payment. This will put the bills back into the “Pay…

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What Happened to My Purchase Order Emails From QuickBooks?

Question: After I emailed a purchase order to a supplier in QB Premier, I used to see a message telling me that it had been emailed. I don’t see that anymore. What happened? Answer: You are probably talking about a pop-up message that said: “QuickBooks sent the email to your email application. Your email application will send it to the recipient.”…

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Why Your Bookkeeper Should Have Experience In the QuickBooks Version You Use

Ask the Accountant… Question: I am thinking of hiring a bookkeeper who knows QuickBooks Online, but I use QuickBooks Premier. Are they the same, only one is online? Answer: No, QuickBooks Online and QB Premier are very different programs. They do not look alike at all and have very different functionalities. When hiring a bookkeeper,…

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What Does QuickBooks Desktop Going Subscription Mean?

Intuit will be offering QB Desktop products via subscription-only, beginning with the 2022 releases. They (except for QB Accountant) will no longer be available by way of a one-time payment as they have in the past. QB Desktop products include QB Pro, Premier and Enterprise. Enterprise was converted to a subscription product two years ago…

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Understanding Numbering in a Chart of Accounts

Ask the Accountant… Question: Do I need account numbers in addition to account names? If so, are there particular numbers? Answer: I like using account numbers with account names for accounts in the chart of accounts (COA) because it makes it easier to distinguish one account from another more readily, as some account names are…

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The Easiest (and Most Accurate) Way to Calculate Sales Tax on QuickBooks

QuickBooks Online (QBO) is one of several options from QuickBooks. It is very different from QB Premier or Enterprise, which are more robust and better suit our industry. For instance, QBO does not have customer sales orders, which are pivotal in QB Premier and Enterprise. That being said…

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