This Industry is the Pits!

And I mean that in the most loving way possible. Can you describe what you do without using the word “products?” Can you write a pre-approach letter to get an appointment without ever referring to a specific or a general laundry list of products? Instead of being the advertising equivalent of a Chinese restaurant menu with a long list of “stuff” you can sell, how about you start talking about what solutions you can offer? Here are six of them:

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Two Ways To Find Your ‘Why’

Do you know your “why?” Why are you doing what you are doing? Please don’t tell me to make money. Money is a result of what you are doing. It is not the why. Your “why” is your purpose. When you find your purpose and live it, you discover meaning and you get to do what you love. When you do what you love, you never have to work a day in your life.

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5 Problems You Can Solve

Here’s the deal: Problem solvers always make money! No matter what the industry. No matter what the economy is doing. No matter what. If you can get out of the product-selling business and into the problem-solving business, you will always be in demand and you will always be able to make money. Here are five problems that you can solve.

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6 Clients You Need to Fire Now!

Many of us hold the mistaken belief that the more clients we have the more money we make. That is a myth that does not serve us well. My first great breakthrough on my quest to become a multimillion dollar producer was that to get to the next level, I needed to fire the deadwood out of my client list.

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7 Ways to Create A Social Media Presence

You’re not still asking why or whether you need to have a social media presence, are you? You need a social media presence because that’s where your new customers are and it’s how they will find you, trust you and try you.

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8 Questions to Ask Every Client

If you want better answers, ask better questions. It is impossible to serve your clients and create value for them unless you have a thorough understanding of their organization.

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