We all engage in mental tug of war. On the left side of the rope is our past, our resentments, our bad habits, our failures and our fears. On the right side of the rope is our future, our hopes, our dreams and our confidence in achieving an amazing life. The forces on the left…
Read MoreChannel: Million Dollar Mindset with Greg Muzzillo
Be Unreasonable
When it comes to goal setting, most folks who have goals (sadly many folks go through life without specific, articulated goals) choose reasonable, achievable goals. I know some will cling to the S.M.A.R.T. goal process, meaning goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. I agree with all of these except “achievable.” When we…
Read MoreWhat If?
Do you ever ask yourself, “what if?” What if you reached out to a new prospect? What if you reached out to a former customer? What if you dreamed bigger and reached higher? What if? Life and business is full of “what if” questions. “What if” questions are unlimited. “What if” answers are far more limited…
Read MoreHow High Is Your Crane?
I really enjoy watching construction projects, especially massive ones. It is interesting to me that if a project is a 60 story condo, from day one the crane is taller than 60 stories, even though they haven’t even begun the foundation. The same should be true in building your business. From the beginning we entrepreneurs…
Read MoreThe True Measure of Success (It Isn’t What You Think It Is)
The title of my blog is “Million Dollar Mindset.” You may think that I consider money to be the true measure of success. I don’t. Of course money is important. Without money, life can be very difficult. With money, life can be lived more fully. But money is not the true measure of success…
Read MoreForget Regret
It is easy to get stuck thinking about our regrets. There are people who continue to think about their disappointments months and even years later. Where you give your thoughts is where you give your focus and energy. What you regret is in your past. It is your future that deserves your focus and energy. Here’s how to easily put your regrets in your past…
Read MoreAre You All-In?
As I pen this blog, I am in Vegas for the 2022 World Series of Poker. There are lots of great business lessons in the game of poker—patience, situational awareness, position and many more. In poker, going all-in means that you commit all your chips to the pot, typically with the belief that you have…
Read MoreGone Fishing
I think of this story about success often. There were two boys who grew up together. They were the best of friends. They mostly enjoyed going fishing together just about every day at a nearby lake. One of the boys went on to college, went to work for a large corporation, worked hard for decades,…
Read MoreWho’s Planting Your Garden?
What gets planted grows. So who’s planting your garden? Are you letting others plant seeds of doubt, worry and failure? Because those seeds can grow into ever increasing weeds of doubt, worry and failure in your garden of life. Perhaps it’s time for you to do some weeding in your life and garden. Perhaps it’s time to get rid of those weeds…
Read MoreValidation Is for Parking Receipts
You need validation for your parking receipt if you want free parking. That’s all you need validation for. You don’t need validation from others that you are successful. You don’t need validation from others that you are right. You don’t need validation from others that you are worthy. If you know you are successful, right…
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