So much has happened in the last two weeks in technology, it makes sense to do a quick recap of some of the new devices and software. Here are my positions on 11 technology items that you might (or should) be considering.
Read MoreChannel: Not So Technically Speaking
Getting Your Clients to “Hire” You
4 easy ways to manage the crucial first thing clients see about you online.
Read MoreListen
Very few people should walk into a networking event and immediately start talking and even fewer, if any, should spend the whole night talking without listening.
Read MorePromotional Products Suppliers Stink at Twitter
It’s a shame, as suppliers are missing an opportunity to feed promotional distributors great content to feed to buyers. Instead, it’s a random special or product of the day or worse, begging for votes on the latest award.
Read MoreMe And (In) My Speedo
Although I don’t approve of jean shorts, I am a sucker for a Speedo. Yes, I sport my Speedo every chance I can. My Speedo is more than clothing to me, it is protection, and here are a few tips to keep you protected as well.
Read MoreJean Shorts Are Not OK!
In the ’90s, I rocked a pair of stonewashed denim jean shorts. I looked so good in them I had two pairs! Now, no pair of jean shorts looks good on me (or anyone else for that matter) and there are several other things that are no longer acceptable.
Read MoreDigging Beneath the “Surface”
Bad pun aside, no doubt you have heard the announcement regarding the Microsoft Surface tablet computer. There are many interesting things about this announcement but as usual, I care about how it effects us going forward.
Read MoreCold-Calling Jerks
I know, cold calling is a part of the job. And if you want to succeed, you’ve got to bang on some doors. But unless you have something SO unique, I’m not going to have time for your call. And if you do have something unique, I’ll probably find it if I need it.
Read MoreDale’s Guide to Buying Your Next PC or Laptop
I hate when people ask me what PC/laptop to buy. That’s like asking what promotional product someone should buy without understanding budget, goals or other information.
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