Having a company page on Facebook is great but remember, if people like your page, your posts will show up in their FB feed. So you have to be relevant and interesting.
Read MoreChannel: Not So Technically Speaking
The Email Money Jar
When I was a kid, my sisters were told to put money in a jar every time they said a dirty word (I never said dirty words).
Read MoreTo iPad or Not 2 iPad
Some of you still don’t have an iPad. You’ve got many reasons but they are all wrong.
Read MoreParanoid Privacy Parts
Chicken little says the sky is falling on your privacy. He says you need to opt out of Google’s new privacy policy and a whole bunch more or risk everyone knowing everything about you.
Read MoreEase Inbox Insanity
Your inbox is your to-do list, and I have a single tip to help you ease your inbox insanity, one that will change your day more than any other tip.
Read MoreLove Your iPhone Just A Bit More!
I use an iPad and I love it. While I love my Droid because it is much easier to type on than an iPhone, for most people I recommend iPhones. Here are a few tips to make typing easier on your iPhone and your iPad.
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