Most everyone wants the latest and greatest upgrade to technology, especially when it’s a free update, like Windows 10 or IOS 9. Even enterprise software users desire the latest upgrade.
Read MoreChannel: Not So Technically Speaking
Think About What You Just Did
My son did something wrong, and I want him to learn so he doesn’t repeat the same mistake. I hear parents say, “Think about what you did,” and send kids to time out or to their rooms. I’ve done this too. But, as I get wiser, I am realizing this is counterproductive.
Read More1 Crucial Step to Improve Your Website
There is no such thing as the “average user” on the Internet. No matter how good your insights, you are going to need input from people who do not think like you. The most effective way to do this is through user testing.
Read MoreMy 10-day Digital Detox
My phone normally is with me everywhere, yes even in the bathroom (75 percent of Americans do this) at times. My iPad greets me in the morning with news and some fairly competitive games of Words With Friends. My email greets me with problems to solve. At stoplights, my phone keeps my mind busy so that, God forbid, I just relax.
Read MoreThe Real Reason Industry E-commerce Firms are Growing Faster Than You
By now you have heard the fact that overall industry firms grew at 1 percent, while industry online firms grew at 33 percent. According to PPAI research, “The proportion of online sales compared to total sales in the industry increased by 4 percentage points from 13.6 percent in 2013 to 17.9 percent in 2014.” Wait, you have valuable relationships and great service, yet overall online firms are growing faster than traditional firms? Why is that?
Read MoreYour Latest Security Risk
Today, July 14, 2015, Microsoft officially ends support for Windows Server 2003. If you have one or more servers in your business, there is a very good chance you are running Windows Server 2003 somewhere.
Read More30 Days With a Macbook Air
Until 30 days ago, I had never used a Macintosh for more than a few minutes to do a specific task. So when I had a chance, I gave up my Lenovo Yoga for the Macbook Air for 30 days.
Read More2 Days On A Macbook Pro—Confessions of a Longtime Windows Power User
I like to keep learning and ensuring I push myself to do things I’m not comfortable with. This often means reading a book I don’t agree with or watching a news channel with a different perspective. But it also means using technology that I am not comfortable with.
Read More5 Reasons Politics Is Like Sales
5 Reasons Politics is Like Sales:
- Sometimes the people making the decisions are not the people you are talking with.
- You never get the order you don’t ask for.
- You rarely get the order on the first try.
- Relationships matter.
- Actions speak louder than words.