Toy Stories

PEOPLE TAKE THEIR playtime seriously. Just ask an employee to work a few hours unpaid overtime, a child to do a few chores or an editor to write over a weekend, and see how cranky they get. It stands to reason, then, that if you’re in the business of promotional toys, you better be able to give something that people are going to accept into the precious few moments of free time. With that in mind, below are nine of the more interesting, unique or just plain fun toy promotions out there.

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Are You Ready To Tangle?

If you’ve ever picked up a Tangle, then you know the following information is important. We have two in our office and they are constantly being carried around and fiddled with. It’s kind of addicting, really. And, if you don’t know what the Tangle is, I’m going to make you Google it to find out.
In any case, CleggPromo, a leading supplier in sound, light and fun promotional products, announced it signed a deal with Tangle Creations, the originators of the Tangle. Beginning Jan. 1, 2009, CleggPromo will be the exclusive supplier of Tangle in the promotional products industry.
For more information on

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Clegg Industries is Now CleggPromo

In an effort to be more consistent with its product line and the marketplace it serves, Clegg Industries announced it has changed its name to CleggPromo. The Los Angeles-based supplier of sound, light and fun promotional products is relaunching its brand in tandem with a significant introduction of new product lines, and as part of an overall effort to better reflect the marketplace it serves. For more information on CleggPromo, visit

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