A Room of Its Own

“HOME IS WHERE the heart is,” may be perfectly cute and philosophical as far as generic cultural idioms go, but ?information-laden it is not. After all, the home is a big place, so where exactly in the house might the “heart” be? The kitchen?

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Bringing Out the Deadstock (GQ)

It’s early, but Spring 2010 is shaping up to be a season of storied fabrics. Yesterday we told you about David Hart’s new line of ties, made out of Thomas Mason cotton shirt fabric; and today we got a look at a new collection of khakis, shorts and work shirts that’s cut from the same material Filson uses for those briefcases you see guys carrying around (here in Manhattan, at least).
Click here to read the entire story from GQ.com.

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Starbucks Closed, Man

Millions of Americans are about to feel like the Griswalds in National Lampoon’s Family Vacation (Moose out front should have told you). Desperate for their next venti latte, they will (or, depending on when you read this, they have) approached the local java brewery only to find the doors locked and themselves coffee blocked. That’s right, Starbucks is having an unprecedented three-hour-universe-wide shut down in an attempt to re-energize the barista population (They do know they work all day with caffeine, right?). I can only imagine how the meeting will go. Hopped up managers extolling company pride, talking brightly about the

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SOME SAY IT was sheer coincidence when presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s poll numbers soared in Iowa and New Hampshire a mere few weeks after Chuck Norris-endorsed, “Huck and Chuck” campaign gear was released on his Web site. Others will say it was inevitable and simply demonstrates the power of a quality promotional product. What can’t be argued, though, is the fact that promotional products go with politics like peas go with carrots. Fittingly, the first political product actually coincided with the first President of the United States, George Washington, who wore a political button during his inauguration on April 30, 1789 in Manhattan. His

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Promotional Apparel Goes for a Ride

What does the subway, an idea, the promotional products industry and the Big Apple all have in common? If you ask Lynne Lambert, founder/CEO of NYC Subway Line, an apparel/accessories supplier based in Chappaqua, New York—everything. Lambert’s journey literally began approximately 10 years ago when she worked as a voice-over/radio commercial actress in Brooklyn, N.Y. “I was slopping around on the subways to auditions and bookings. Then, one day, I looked up at the subway sign and wondered why no one had done anything with this cool imagery,” explained Lambert. “The subway is quintessential New York City, and is an integral part of

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