Outdoor Cap Names New Head of Technology

Tom Arens has experience developing and managing IT teams at Fortune 100 companies and startups. Now, he’s joining Counselor Top 40 supplier Outdoor Cap Company (asi/75420) as head of technology. Arens’ charge is to foster collaboration and innovation to drive successful projects and improve the hat-making company’s…

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Your Fall Sales Plan

Watch this week’s Short Attention Span Sales Tip here. Good morning! Well, here we are. It’s the last week before the three most important selling months of the year. What’s your plan? I roll out this same message every year at this time because I believe it’s one of the most important sales tips I…

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Worst Case Scenarios: Sales Edition

Salespeople are, by nature, optimists. If they weren’t, they would never be able to endure the beatings taken along the way to a successful career. Tomorrow will always be better than today. Your business will grow. Your client base is secure and your customers are happy.…

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End-Buyer Research: Companies With 501-1,000 Employees

ASI Research has launched a new series profiling the people distributors work with most closely: end-buyers. Each week we’ll release a new data set that spotlights one of eight markets and looks at end-buyers through demographics such as gender, region and company size. Read the previous entries in our End-Buyer research series. Companies with more than 500…

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