Ask the Accountant: Can I Move Order History to QuickBooks?

Ask the Accountant… Question: I am thinking of converting from another industry software into QuickBooks Online. Can I move my order history from my old system into QuickBooks? Answer: I get this question often when discussing system conversions with distributors. Unfortunately, you cannot move order history from another order management system into QB. You can, however, move your Customer and/or Vendor List from your current system into QBO, although I strongly suggest you clean up your lists before making this move. If you are currently in QB Desktop (Pro, Premier…

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We Aren’t Selling Enough

Why aren’t we even trying to contact potential clients?

I was talking to the managing director of a publishing company recently. He was just back from 10 days holiday. One of his first jobs is to delete all the sales e-mails that he receives when he is away. However, this time it was different.

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Time & Effort or Unique Value?

It’s not what we provide the customer. It’s more about what the customer does with it to improve the circumstance of their work or their personal life. More to the point, how does what we do or provide make the customer’s situation better in some identifiable, measurable way?

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