3 Requirements for True Success

Do you wonder if you are really successful in this industry?

In my view, if you meet these three requirements, you are a true success.

Requirement One: You love what you do. You look forward to Monday morning because it’s your opportunity to engage in activities and relationships you love. Of course, you also enjoy your weekends, vacations and time with family, friends, hobbies and other pursuits. But the key is that on Sunday night or Monday morning you are rested and excited about the new week ahead.

Requirement Two: You are making over $500,000 per year if you have been in the business for more than three to five years. Because businesses run out of everything we sell them or routinely cycle up new events and programs, your income should be building on itself. You’re acquiring new customers while your existing customers continue to re-order or cycle up new events and programs. This is just as true for business owners as it is for sales reps.

Requirement Three: You have figured out how to delegate or outsource all the activities you do not enjoy and that are not true wealth-building activities. Most people in this industry love some of what they do, but there are lots of activities they do not enjoy and they may not have figured out how to delegate or outsource. Typically, figuring this out is a key to making Requirement One and Requirement Two a reality.

Many people in our industry struggle to achieve these three requirements, often because they stick to familiar ways rather than embracing growth and change. They may feel they have many years of experience, but in reality, they’ve been repeating the same year over and over. The good news is that with a willingness to learn, adapt and evolve, anyone can break that cycle and move toward lasting success.

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