6 Ways to Increase Organic Traffic in Your E-Commerce Website

When a marketing professional is planning a branded merch purchase and they don’t have a go-to vendor, they turn to Google to find one. These buyers are the low hanging fruit for promo distributors because they are ready to buy!

If you want to be a contender, you must show up on the top results. With this in mind, implementing SEO best practices is the easiest way to grow your promo business.

With that said, SEO is a long-term game. It primarily requires effort up front, but once you rank, you start making sales on a regular basis organically. And it doesn’t go away.

Here are six adjustments you can easily make that will gradually improve your SEO rankings.

1. Refine Your Keyword Optimization

Keywords play a major role in ensuring that your product will appear on relevant searches. Set keywords targets and track their positioning on a regular basis. Include keywords in your product page descriptions and titles, as well as the meta descriptions. Include it in the URL as well. Strategic keyword implementation will ensure better ranking results.

2. Reduce Your Site’s Loading Time

Web page loading speed is a crucial part of a site’s usability. People have no patience for slow-loading pages. Loading time also affects Google rankings because the faster pages can be loaded, the more pages Google can crawl at one time, the more Google will show your page on top results.

Check your loading time on a regular basis. Make sure your site has no technical issues and is running smoothly. Also, e-commerce sites have a lot of images and videos that must be optimized properly so they don’t slow down your site.

3. Write Your Own Product Descriptions

There are thousands of e-commerce sites selling the exact same products as yours, with the exact same product descriptions. These (same) product pages are mostly discarded by Google because of the duplicate content. Having a different product description will make it unique in the eyes of Google. It’s not easy or quick to write unique descriptions, but that should always be your objective.

4. Optimize Your E-Commerce Site For Mobile

It is safe to say that all of your potential buyers are smartphone users. People use them to access the web and shop, and that includes promotional products. In the B2B world, they might not complete the purchase on their phone, but they will be doing searches on them. Make sure that your website is optimized for mobile usage.

5. Optimize Your Category Pages

Category pages are key both for site visitors to navigate your site easily, and also for Google to crawl through it. It is also easier to rank a category page than a product page. Make sure your category pages show all the options in one page. Write good page titles and descriptions in your category pages using your target keywords. Optimize the category pages’ URL structure.

6. Optimize Your Images

E-commerce sites are loaded with visual content. Image optimization is key to keep your site loading fast, it helps improve your site’s visibility, as well as rank higher on Google Image Search. Make sure your image is compressed and the right size before uploading. Use tools such as tinypng.com to compress them. Write image descriptions and alt text that includes keywords.

The Point

Search engine optimization must be a part of the marketing plan of every business these days. A simple SEO campaign can result in exponentially greater sales. Start with these suggestions and you’ll be on your way.

This article was first published by Action Marketing Co. For more distributor-specific digital marketing ideas that work, visit the Free Resources section of our website

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