Drinkware Stories in 140 Characters

So there’s this Twitter account called “VeryShortStory” that publishes tiny, 140-character stories once or twice a week. It’s a great and awesome and wonderful account, and if you use Twitter you should definitely be following it. Since we’re just coming off production for March and I’m most likely doing the newsletter for Kyle since he’s out, I thought it might be fun to do a few quick 140 character stories of my own, the only catch being that they all involve promotional drinkware somehow (in honor of the feature I’m writing for our April issue).

1) They kissed jubilantly, once. The tumbler promotion went perfectly, and now they’d finally be able to afford the hot air balloon.

2) Retrospectively, “Cadmium? Is that like a vitamin?” was not the best way to open a conference call with Disney’s marketing department.

3) With his jailers’ backs turned, he laughed. Soon he would prove her wrong and change the way people drink coffee at work forever.

What do you think? Maybe not as good as the real Twitter account, but I don’t think they’re half-bad.

Until next week!

MONDAY MIKE FACT: Opertation shoe-glue was a resounding success. No word yet on getting the razor-lined treadmill that ripped it justly sent to the junkyard.

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