FONO (Muzzillo Dictionary of Terms)

FONO. Do you know what that is?

We’ve all heard about FOMO, “Fear of Missing Out.”

But FONO is a different fear. FONO is “Fear of No.”

FONO is the No. 1 reason most people never get wealthy in this business. It’s the No. 1 reason why some people fail in this business.

The “fear of no” creates call reluctance. We all have call reluctance. I do. You do. We all do. No one enjoys rejection. The problem with FONO and call reluctance is that we typically aren’t mentally aware of when we are having it. It is very subtle. You are experiencing FONO when you postpone calling for appointments, reaching out to friends for referrals, calling previous customers to ask for more business, etc. For many different reasons, such as wasting time on social media, doing tasks that you should be delegating, or checking the news.

FONO and call reluctance are very subtle. But they keep most of us from the success we want in our lives and in our business.

Here are three tips for overcoming FONO:

  1. Recognize that FONO is real and when you are postponing making the calls you need to make.
  2. Know your why — your reason for wanting to be successful in your life and business. Create a dream board and put it on your desk, in your car, on your bathroom mirror, and more.
  3. Have an accountability partner. The right activities will get you the right results. The right accountability partner can help you be sure you are doing the right activities.

You can be as successful as your dream … if you just conquer FONO.

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