The No. 1 Reason You Aren’t Rich

There’s one reason why most people in our industry aren’t rich.

At the end of the day, the business we are really in is the “know, like and trust” business. That’s right. Our real job as industry professionals is to get people to know us, like us and trust us.

It’s true if we are trying to earn new customers. We need to find new prospective customers and get them to know, like and trust us.

It’s true if we are trying to hire and manage sales reps. We need to find new prospective sales reps, and get them to know, like and trust us.

It’s true if we are trying to acquire our competition. We need to find new prospective acquisitions, and get them to know, like and trust us.

Do you see the common element to each of the three keys to creating wealth? It’s finding new prospects and getting to know them.

That’s it. Finding new prospects and getting to know them.

But for virtually all people, finding new prospects and reaching out to try to set an initial appointment to get to know each other sucks. That’s right. The essence of starting new relationships sucks. Everyone in sales can relate to the difficulty of picking up the “500 lb. phone.”

I believe with all my heart that there’s no excuse for not making $500,000 per year in this business. However, most people choose not to. That’s right. They choose not to. They choose not to make $500,000 per year by choosing to do everything and anything other than reach out to new prospects and schedule that first appointment. Selling sucks, especially the first stage of finding new prospects and scheduling that first critical appointment.

Most folks don’t even consciously realize they are choosing not to make $500,000. Most folks in sales and business development would never admit that some parts of selling suck. But their choices are very telling. Most people in our industry have many great excuses for why they aren’t creating new relationships. The excuses are varied, but you can be sure they all include sitting on their butts behind their very comfortable desk doing customer service work, social media, administrative details and lots of other stuff that should be delegated to others or relegated to non-selling time. (Selling hours = 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

There’s no good excuse for choosing not to make at least $500,000. There’s no good excuse for not turning our God-given time, talent and opportunity into the optimal results. You deserve the best. Your family deserves the best. Your legacy in this world deserves your best.

Want to change things up? Want to make $500,000 or more? Recognize that creating new relationships is the one thing that will drive extraordinary results for you and your success. Make some time every day for creating new relationships. Put those few hours a day on your calendar and make no excuses for not doing it.

Want to learn more about focusing on the one thing? Check out Gary Kellers’ book “The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results.” It’s a $25 book that could help you make $500,000 per year or more.

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