Office Items, Good Reads, and Conan O’Brien

Happy mid-March everyone! Let’s all take a minute to savor the chest-tightening, wheezy panic that comes with realizing the year is almost 1/3 over. Ready? Go!

Does it feel like you’re holding your breath and someone replaced all your blood with pure caffeine? Can you feel it moving into your arms, making you try to type out 8,000 projects at once? Good! Take all of that anxiety, push it out of your body, and punt it away like it’s a radioactive soccer ball. I mean really kick it, like it belongs to some fat, beady-eyed kids who are always playing in your yard and you never want them to get their ball back, ever.

Stress all gone? Good. Let’s get down to reading and thinking about ways to improve your business. I have a couple links of interest for you on this fine Monday:

10 Awesome Accessories to Organize Your Office
From Mashable, a slideshow of quirky and intriguing office items. Maybe handy in getting your Monday brainstorming rolling.

Seth Godin’s First 2012 Booklist
8 books recommended by Seth Godin. I have only read the first (“Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative”), but it was quite good, especially for being on a topic that is usually a guarantee-of-terrible for anything in print. If the rest of the books are of similar caliber, it’s probably worth picking them up.

30-second MBA with Conan O’Brien
From Fast Company, presented without comment.

Thanks for reading everyone! See you all next week!

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MONDAY MIKE FACT: I still haven’t done my taxes. Ah!

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