Quit Trying to Be Everything to Everyone

It’s hard to leave money lying on the table. I’ve heard a lot of people eager for the sale, drooling over the pennies that could easily be had.

“Money is money,” they will opine and blame and shame you for not picking up the easy bucks.

Here’s the problem with the easy bucks: They keep you from the big bucks. Bigger profits and bigger opportunities come from being a specialist. What problem do you solve? That is your unique selling proposition. It is your differentiator. It is what will allow you to charge more and work with more loyal customers.

Wouldn’t you rather have a discerning, loyal customer who appreciates what you do, how you do it and respects what you charge for the relief you offer them? In order for others (your customers) to appreciate and respect what you do, you need to appreciate and respect what you do.

Pick your niche. Know what you do, what you can do, what you want to do and what you do best. Then stick to it. It’s your job to find the people who have a need for what you offer. It’s not their job to choose you. It’s your job to blow them away with a level of service, understanding and execution that knocks their socks of.

Build your personal brand by being resolute in creating the image that your clients want to associate with and demand. Porsche sells commodity cars. Scotts sells commodities—grass seed and fertilizer. Nordstrom is a department store. In-N-Out flips hamburgers. Apple sells electronic stuff. But all of these are more profitable and in higher demand from loyal, discerning customers.

Follow their example. Be the only choice for your type of customers and leave the dump change for others.

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