You’ve seen these notices on your computer, telling you that you need to turn off your computer so it can download some changes. After the changes are downloaded your computer will be ready to restart.
When was the last time you turned off all the busyness in your life for a day or at least several hours, read some great inspirational and motivational books, and then restarted your life with the new upgraded you?
If you are like most people, you probably hit the “postpone” button because you are too busy to take a little time to get the upgrade.
Let me encourage you to value yourself more than your computer and take some time to upgrade yourself.
There are lots of opportunities out there:
- Industry meetings and trade shows
- Online webinars and motivation
- Great new books on the best seller’s lists
- Spiritual opportunities including meditation, prayer and reflection
Remember: The same old you will keep getting the same old results. If you are ready for new results, then it’s time to shut down, download some new inspiration and motivation and then restart the new you.