Reverse Engineer Your Sales Success

Steven Covey reminds us that when setting goals … “Start with the end

in mind.”

That is to visualize the end result that you hope to accomplish and start your planning process from there … “With the end in mind.”

If our “end” goal is to attract and maintain clients, what does the “end” look like?

One “end” answer could be: you are a trusted advisor and the primary vendor for all of your clients … wouldn’t that be great?

So with that in mind, what new strategy could we develop to get the attention of clients and prospects?

We have discussed many times how to find the top businesses in an area, how to network, and how to approach new businesses. However, there is an alternative method to prospecting and new business development that can really work wonders!

What if you were able to begin conversations with prospects and clients without ever asking them to buy something?

What if you went out into the marketplace with something to teach instead of something to sell?

What if you were so excited about what you had to share your enthusiasm would come through in your voice and prospects and clients would be very open to hearing what you had to say?

Maybe this approach would make a difference in your prospecting results?

You see, we have been mostly taught to prospect for new clients, and then come up with creative ideas for them that will help them solve a problem or accomplish a specific business objective.

Don’t misunderstand; this process is still very important, and probably preferred.

However, if you have become frustrated with prospecting results, and are having difficulty setting meetings, and want to try something new, try the backwards or reverse method.

What is the backwards or reverse method and how does it work?

Glad you asked … the answer is:

  • Do a little research
  • Find some cool products
  • Think of creative ways to use the products
  • Then … go find someone to share them with!

First, spend some time studying your 2013 vendor catalogs, ESP or Sage, supplier websites, or contact your local supplier reps, wherever you go for new product ideas.

Review the newest and best niche products or fresh ideas that you feel would be great to market to prospects. You may find some great new general product ideas, or some very defined market specific product ideas.

Study your favorite ideas, and think about who you would market them to, and how you would go about marketing them. Order samples, and get prepared.

The most important part is setting appointments based on your enthusiasm for these cool products and great ideas. Don’t forget your existing clients either. Some of your best new ideas will work great for them too.

Set appointments by saying:

“We have been researching new products to discover the best marketing tools available, and I was just giving you a call to see if you would be open to hearing some new ideas that may help you build your brand?”

“What I had in mind was for us to set a brief meeting in the next few days so we could review some specific ideas I have discovered that I believe will be of great interest to you.”

Become an expert at finding and presenting your top ideas, and you may find great joy and success in trying this method.

Is this method of finding ideas, and setting meetings based on your findings really backward? Perhaps not and maybe some of you are already working this way but we can certainly tell you it has opened doors for many of our salespeople.

Best of Success!

Dale Limes, MAS, is Senior Vice President of Sales for HALO Branded Solutions. He is an industry veteran of 27 years, a frequent trainer at industry events, and consults with distributors at every level to help increase sales and efficiency.

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