Stop, Thief!

To what lengths do you go to protect your valuables? Lock your home? Lock your car? Security system and cameras on your home? Alarm system on your car?

Many people I know do all the above and more. But they are leaving the door wide open for the biggest thief of all.

Who is the biggest thief of all? It may well be you!

Yes, you may be the biggest thief of all in your life.

I believe that whenever you waste your working time, whenever you postpone the critical steps needed to grow, you are stealing from yourself and your family. You are stealing the success and lifestyle that you and your family deserve.

Think about that for a minute.

Wasting your valuable work time that should be spent increasing sales and growing profits adds up. Let’s say your wasted time every week costs you earning one new customer per week. Let’s say an average customer is worth only $10,000 per year (and that’s very low for most of you). Let’s also say that the average life of a customer is seven years. And let’s assume your margins are about 30 percent. So every new account is worth $1,500 in your pocket every year. That’s a customer lifetime value of about $10,000 in your pocket.

So, if you are only wasting a few hours a day, the time it would take to earn one account a week, that’s 50 accounts not won. That’s $75,000 per year not earned. Over seven years, even if you only wasted a few hours a day in just one year, the lost revenue from the accounts you didn’t win that year would add up to more than $500,000.

Who would you let steal $500,000 from you? Hopefully no one, not even yourself.

Wasting time is stealing from yourself.

Stop, thief!

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