Success Advice from Paul Bellantone, President and CEO of PPAI

Continuing to ask respected industry leaders to share their thoughts on success, I reached out to Paul Bellantone, president and chief executive officer of PPAI, to share his advice.

Thank you, Paul Bellantone, for sharing your advice about financial success with me.

Question for Paul: In your years of experience in our industry, what do you think the most financially successful people in our industry have in common? What advice would you give someone that wants to become very financially successful?

Paul’s advice: “I believe the most financially successful people in our industry have two things in common.

First, they recognize that simply procuring product on a client’s behalf is no longer a sustainable business model. Customers can procure product 24/7/365 often at less cost and more seamlessly. The financially successful professionals find ways to add value beyond procurement.

Second, financially successful professionals know they are generating high revenue when they are in front of their customers creating value and solving problems, not spending time on low impact tasks that can easily be delegated or outsourced, like data entry, paperwork, AP, AR, etc.”

Paul knows a great deal about success in our industry after 19 years at PPAI and leading the industry’s not-for-profit association to a record 16,000 members. He is focused on delivering compelling member value, and is responsible for successfully executing the strategies and visions of the PPAI Board of Directors and advocating for the industry and its professional practitioners.

Thank you again Paul for your awesome advice.

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