The ‘Eggs In One Basket’ Problem

We’ve all heard the expression “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

However, there are many people who let their quality of life rely too much on one factor. This becomes glaringly apparent during a financial downturn.

Quality of life factors include:

· Financial / Career

· Family / Friends

· Physical health

· Mental wellbeing

· Spiritual

People who have put all their “eggs” in the financial “basket” may be experiencing great distress that significantly negatively impacts their quality of life.

If you have relied too much on finances for quality of life let me encourage you to simplify your finances. Put yourself in a position financially that no matter what your quality of life will be balanced and positive. The key to a truly joyful life is balance in all the areas that create quality of life.

Of course, I believe everyone who dreams to create million-dollar success can achieve it, but if all your “eggs” are in one “basket” your dream could become a nightmare.

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