The New Year Will Require a New You

I am seeing lots of posts on social media about how much people look forward to saying “good riddance” to 2020 and getting started with the new year. These folks seem to think that all of the challenges of 2020 are going to magically disappear on New Year’s Day.

Please let me encourage you to understand that turning one day forward on your calendar is not going to magically turn things back to how they used to be.

The pandemic and shutdowns will still be in full force.

Many businesses that were barely hanging on in 2020 will not survive this second wave.

Large scale meetings and events are not going to be happening through at least the first half of 2021.

Businesses that were planning to return to their offices in the new year are not postponing those plans.

Even when the challenges of the pandemic subside and businesses get back to “normal,” it will take a while for many of those businesses to have the budgets for our products that they used to have.

This is why I say that the new year will require a new you!

You will need to continue to reinvent yourself and your business.

You will need to find new products and services to sell to your current customers.

You will need to find new ways of finding new customers.

You will need to continue to streamline your business.

You will need to consider changing your business model.

Let me encourage you to start planning now for the new you, new ways and new strategies that the new year will require.

Waiting until New Year’s Eve and making a few resolutions at midnight is not planning.

2021 can truly be a happy new year if you start planning now for the new you.

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