Why Thank You Cards Matter

I mentioned last week the importance of thank-you cards. This week I wanted to follow up and give you a list of five solid cards for anyone you work with – all found on PM’s handy-dandy free search. Email thank-yous are great and singing e-cards are amusing, but there is something about a snail-mail thank-you card around the holidays that makes an impact. Plus, you can add a decorative imprint to a card, which seals the deal for this industry.
For the Suppliers You Go Out with at Trade Shows:

They always know the best after-networking events to go to and how to get cheap drinks. Reward their night-out prowess with some wine and a festive bag.
For the Client Who Runs a Large Company:

This client oversees many branches of a large company and has helped you get business in all of them. Thank him or her for revenue with a classy, seasonal card.
For the Client who Runs a Music Business:

This client always wants the promotions you plan to be tied to a musical theme. Let him or her know you have been listening by offering one of the most bombastic and memorable holiday cards around.
For the Clients or Suppliers in Warm Weather States:

On the East Coast, it’s hard to think of the holiday season without thinking of snow, but that is the reality for many people in warmer areas of the country. Bring a little snow to their doorstep and they’ll continue their partnership with you.
For the Nature Lover or Anyone with a Heart:

I don’t know if it’s the Coca-Cola commercials or the those fluffy faces, but polar bears are just the cutest. If you don’t know what kind of card to send to a supplier or client, use this one. It will make the receiver smile. (You’re smiling right now, aren’t you?) Bonus: You could fill it with some facts about polar bears for a new swing on holiday cards. Facts like: Polar bears have black skin under their white fur to retain heat. Or you could just say Thank You and Season’s Greetings, I guess.

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