Write Your Story: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?

The five “w’s”and the “h” were the reminders for aspiring journalists to include in every story: who, what, when, where, why and how. These elements make a story compelling, informative and complete. They are also critically important to you as you write your own life story.

1. Who Are You?
How have you defined yourself? What are your controlling beliefs that you reference to determine your next steps? Indeed, this is a critical element that you must decide. There was a time of crisis and change in my life where deciding that “I am a kind person” made all the difference in how I reacted to the turmoil I was facing. Get to know who you are, and then ask yourself, “Is this the person I need to be to get to where I want to go, to write the life story that I want to write?

2. What Are You Doing?
What are the things you are doing that bring you the most joy, the most fulfillment? What are you doing that you love and that you can lose track of time in, immersed in the moment? What are you doing that makes your life story special?

3. When Are You Going to Be The Hero of Your Story?
What are you waiting for? The perfect moment is the only moment any of us actually have. That moment is now. The past is gone, and the future is not guaranteed. The only time to become the star of your story is right now.

4. Where Does Your Story Take Place?
If you’re not where you need to be or want to be—physically, emotionally or professionally—then move. Move yourself to a better place, to the area where you can flourish and grow.

5. Why Are You Doing What You’re Doing?
There are several great books and resources to help you find your purpose. Your purpose is not to make money or to pay the bills. Your purpose is much nobler than that. Those things are results. You are here for a reason—live it. One of the most amazing discoveries one can make in life is their purpose. When you know your “why,” everything else falls into place. Your story becomes rich. (If you have never seen it, or if it’s been awhile, watch this important TED Talk with Simon Sinek.

6. How Will You Live Your Life, Write Your Story, Fulfill Your Purpose, Achieve Your Goals?
Live strategically. Plan your day. Know what you need to do next to move you forward and to create your best life story. It’s important to know where you want to go. It is necessary for you to know what your success looks like. And it is critical to have a plan. Decide how you’re going to get there aligned with your values, your purpose and who you are.

It’s never too late to write your story. Life is a chapter book. Make your next one your best one yet!

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One Thought to “Write Your Story: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?”

  1. Mary Ellen Pahlka-Sokalski

    Paul, you continue to inspire. Thanks!

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