Can I Switch from QuickBooks Online to Premier?

Question: Last year, I called QuickBooks to ask which program I should buy. They told me QuickBooks Online, and switched me from QuickBooks Premier to Online, but it doesn’t do what I need it to do. Can I convert back to QuickBooks Premier? Answer: Yes, but it’s not easy. Intuit sells QuickBooks Online as a…

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Keeping Art Files to Find Them Later

Question: Is there an easy way to keep art files so I can find them later? Answer: While this technically is not an accounting question, cataloging your art files is important for keeping your order management organized. During my distributor days, I kept a folder in my documents called “Art.” I would keep all my…

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Converting Accounting Software to Quickbooks

Question: What is involved in converting from my current accounting software to QuickBooks? Answer: Converting from other ad specialty systems, such as ASI ProfitMaker, OrderMaster, AIA or Proforma, involves planning and attention to detail, and it is a routine procedure. QuickBooks is user-friendly, which has something to do with it being the No. 1 accounting…

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A Better Way to Access Orders

Question: I have been using the order numbers that QuickBooks auto-assigns for sales orders (SO), purchase orders (PO) and invoices numbers. Is there a better way? Answer: Yes. When I was a distributor, I quickly learned how often I had to access different orders during the course of a day. And thus, being able to…

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Control What Info Users Have Access to in QuickBooks

Question: How can I set up QuickBooks to control what information users have access to? Answer: QuickBooks allows you to set up users and passwords under the “company” tab. When setting up a user, you can specify which information you want that particular user to see or not see, and edit or not edit. You…

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Can I Run a Report on Amount of Sales from Customer Groups in QuickBooks?

Question: Is there some way in QuickBooks to run a report showing the amount of sales from a particular group of customers? Answer: Yes. QuickBooks allows you to define “Types of Customers.” When you open a customer in the Customer Center, click on “Additional Info” on the left side of the screen. There you can…

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How Much Can I Charge a Customer for Using a Credit Card?

Answer: The safe and easy answer is “nothing.” Some states prohibit surcharges for credit card use, period. Some states permit it but with some complicated qualifiers, like no surcharge on debit cards, surcharge limited to what you actually paid and other such language buried in your merchant service agreement. The regulations are too many, making…

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