The 6 Foot Rule and $20 Million in Sales

  Opportunities for sales are everywhere every day. Most of us just don’t pay enough attention. Introducing the 6 foot rule. This is not a COVID thing. This is a great rule for sales professionals. Simply stated, the 6 foot rule, when it comes to sales prospecting, means that anyone who comes within 6 feet of…

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What to Know When You Don’t Know

I have heard lots of excuses for people not to making sales calls or recruiting calls. One of the most common excuses I hear is that people are afraid they may be asked a question for which they don’t have an answer. They are afraid that not having all the answers will make them look…

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The Impossible Dream?

Recently I was talking with a highly respected supplier and social media influencer about my blog, Million Dollar Mindset; and my video series, Million Dollar Monday. She told me that perhaps my using the word “Million Dollar” was too much. She felt that most people cannot relate to making a million dollars, even as a…

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