Opportunities for sales are everywhere every day. Most of us just don’t pay enough attention. Introducing the 6 foot rule. This is not a COVID thing. This is a great rule for sales professionals. Simply stated, the 6 foot rule, when it comes to sales prospecting, means that anyone who comes within 6 feet of…
Read MoreTag: million dollar mindset
What to Know When You Don’t Know
I have heard lots of excuses for people not to making sales calls or recruiting calls. One of the most common excuses I hear is that people are afraid they may be asked a question for which they don’t have an answer. They are afraid that not having all the answers will make them look…
Read MoreGreen Eggs and Ham
As the story goes, the main character is asked by Sam-I-Am, “Do you like green eggs and ham?” He replies, “I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. I do not like green eggs and ham.” What’s the business lesson for each of us in this story? The lesson is that we all have our comfort zone,…
Read MoreThe Impossible Dream?
Recently I was talking with a highly respected supplier and social media influencer about my blog, Million Dollar Mindset; and my video series, Million Dollar Monday. She told me that perhaps my using the word “Million Dollar” was too much. She felt that most people cannot relate to making a million dollars, even as a…
Read MoreYou Can Have It All If…
I talk to lots of business owners that want to have more. More sales. More profits. More fun in life. And one thing I know for sure is that you really can have it all if… You don’t do it all. That’s right. You can have it all if you don’t do it all. Unfortunately,…
Read MoreYour Mind is a Powerful GPS System
Your mind is very powerful. We’ve all heard that most of us don’t use even 10% of the power of our mind. One way your mind is powerful is that it is like a GPS system. Your mind is wired to get you to the destinations of your dreams. But your mind can’t work…. Your…
Read MoreMillion Dollar Mindset: Drop the Rope
We all engage in mental tug of war. On the left side of the rope is our past, our resentments, our bad habits, our failures and our fears. On the right side of the rope is our future, our hopes, our dreams and our confidence in achieving an amazing life. The forces on the left…
Read MoreWhat If?
Do you ever ask yourself, “what if?” What if you reached out to a new prospect? What if you reached out to a former customer? What if you dreamed bigger and reached higher? What if? Life and business is full of “what if” questions. “What if” questions are unlimited. “What if” answers are far more limited…
Read MoreAre You All-In?
As I pen this blog, I am in Vegas for the 2022 World Series of Poker. There are lots of great business lessons in the game of poker—patience, situational awareness, position and many more. In poker, going all-in means that you commit all your chips to the pot, typically with the belief that you have…
Read MoreGone Fishing
I think of this story about success often. There were two boys who grew up together. They were the best of friends. They mostly enjoyed going fishing together just about every day at a nearby lake. One of the boys went on to college, went to work for a large corporation, worked hard for decades,…
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