Six Sheets to Look at for Novice Bookkeepers in QuickBooks

Ask the Accountant… Question: I have someone doing my bookkeeping, but I really don’t know anything about QuickBooks. What reports should I look at every month? Answer: There are six reports that provide a practical overview of your business. First, create, or have your bookkeeper create: 1. The balance sheet 2. The profit and loss statement…

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Using ‘Leading Periods’ to Organize Sales Orders

Question: I use QuickBooks Premier. I have orders where copy or instructions are frequently the same. When I create these sales orders, is there a way to get these words onto the order without retyping them every time? Answer: Yes. You can save and reuse words or phrases that you use often by creating a…

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A Better Way to Access Orders

Question: I have been using the order numbers that QuickBooks auto-assigns for sales orders (SO), purchase orders (PO) and invoices numbers. Is there a better way? Answer: Yes. When I was a distributor, I quickly learned how often I had to access different orders during the course of a day. And thus, being able to…

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