15 Powerful Questions to Sell Smarter and Sell More in 2014

The end of the year is a great time to evaluate your business and see what’s working well and what you need to let go of. I’m sure that you have all heard the expression, “Work on your business, not just in your business,” but how many of you take the time to do that on a regular basis?

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Should You Ever Stop Following Up?

Should you ever give up on follow-up? That depends on how valuable the prospect is to you. I can tell you from actual experience that it may take months to get an order or get in to see a prospect that has the ability to give you large and repeat orders, but the payoff can be enormous.

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Upsell or Upserve? Which Do You Do?

You’ve probably been taught to upsell, which is trying to get someone to purchase more than they originally intended or needed. Maybe it’s time to move away from upselling and instead think about upserving.

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How to Get Prospects Calling You

Calls to Action, or CTAs, are words or sentences that encourage and motivate your current clients or best prospects to take immediate action. You want more business, right? An enticing CTA on all your marketing materials can make a big difference in increasing your promotional products sales.

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Can You Create Customer Loyalty?

These days, promotional products can be purchased everywhere, and your customers know it. With all the competition for your business, how can you create customer loyalty and repeat business?

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