3 Promotional Products for a Truly Endless Summer

Well, folks, August is here. For many of us, that’s last call on summer. Students are going back to school, the sun is out a for a slightly shorter amount of time than it was in July and, before we know it, we’ll be wearing jackets to walk to work once again. But, all is…

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Stupid Groundhog

Well, Punxsutawney Phil wasn’t lying a couple of weeks ago when he predicted six more weeks of winter. In Philadelphia, it is cold outside——probably the coldest it has been all winter. Regardless of negative-degree weather, today, my team and I began looking for sunnier skies in preparation of spring; looking at assignments, story angles, possible sources and great products to introduce to the market for the spring and summer seasons.
I know we are not the only crew beginning to look ahead, at least in terms of work projects. If you know of a product that is perfect for a spring / summer event

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