Trade Shows Are Forever: A Be Bold, Be Different, Be Memorable Thriller

The scent and sweat and stale-roasted almond stench of a trade show at 3:00 p.m. can be deadly. Greene was trying to get out of the massive hall without being spotted by an enemy … or an ex-girlfriend. Someone came up behind him from a darkened booth. Greene felt something cold and hard press into the small of his back. A gun muzzle?

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Best Dressed

I once saw this completely forgettable movie with Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry called “Fools Rush In.” (Don’t judge, I usually have better taste).
Strangely, the only thing I can recall is that, in describing Vegas, one of the characters says (and I paraphrase) that they might as well have built the city on the surface of the sun.
These days, the same can hold true of Philly. It. Is. Oppressive.
Like, kids are being sent home from school, roads are buckling and I can’t even walk around my apartment without breaking a sweat. Not okay.
Yesterday, to capitalize on a little free

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