Boy, Are My Arms Tired

Just got back from ASI Orlando and I’m grudgingly accepting that it is indeed still winter. The show was great, and unlike last year (when global warming played a nasty little trick on us and made it 40 degrees), the weather was just gorgeous.
It was a nice way to ease back into the traveling whirlwind that is January and February—my feet are now primed and ready for PPAI next week, that’s for sure. I’m still a little foggy from the lack of weekend (you can’t have everything, I guess), so I’m a little short on repartee. I hope you understand.
Instead, let

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Stupid Groundhog

Well, Punxsutawney Phil wasn’t lying a couple of weeks ago when he predicted six more weeks of winter. In Philadelphia, it is cold outside——probably the coldest it has been all winter. Regardless of negative-degree weather, today, my team and I began looking for sunnier skies in preparation of spring; looking at assignments, story angles, possible sources and great products to introduce to the market for the spring and summer seasons.
I know we are not the only crew beginning to look ahead, at least in terms of work projects. If you know of a product that is perfect for a spring / summer event

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