Stop Doing What’s Not Working

Are you still wondering when things will get back to “normal”? Sorry, but what you’re experiencing is the new normal. It’s time to wake up to the fact that what worked for you in 2007 is not going to work for you in 2015. If you’re still working in the same way, prospecting in the same way and it’s not working for you—guess what? It’s time to rethink your business.

End-buyers think differently, work differently and buy differently than they did a few years ago. Unless you start thinking differently, working differently and selling differently you’re going to be disappointed in your results. While relationships still matter, value matters even more. There was a day when a value proposition of being able to find product was important to clients. Today, that has changed dramatically. With a couple of keystrokes, anyone can find anything at any time.

You need to be in the business of creating stories, of solving problems and creating positive emotions. Instead of being a student of stuff, you need to be a pupil of people. Turn around every statement you make and put it in terms of why it matters to the other person. Think about what your customers really want and tell them your story about how you can help them get there.

Instead of complaining about how the Internet has destroyed your business, create something that your customers cannot get on the Internet. If others are offering exactly the same things as you are, you either be better, cheaper or figure out how to give your customers something they cannot get anywhere else.

Stop the madness. Stop doing what’s not working. Start focusing on what your customers really want. If you don’t know, then you’ve got your first job cut out for you.

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