If there’s one thing I’ve learned from looking through so many gardening catalogs over the years, it’s that my tomatoes will never in a million years look as good as the ones in the pictures.
I’m not saying I have a brown thumb. Not exactly.
Now, green beans? I do OK with them, although these last few hot summers haven’t been too kind to them. So this winter, I returned to a tradition, leafing through the catalogs that arrived in my mailbox as the bitter, frigid winds raged outside. It’s so much about hoping for that right combination of rain and sun a few months down the road as you turn the pages and plan for what you’d like to try this year.

So many great catalog titles have gone away in favor of e-commerce since the turn of the century, though some familiar names have made a bit of a comeback.
Read the rest of this story on Printing Impressions.