Raining Rose Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a manufacturer of natural-based lip balm and body care, announced that Mike Wehr, vice president of sales, has been appointed chief operating officer, a new position within Raining Rose. Wehr was previously in charge of sales and will continue to report to Chuck Hammond, president and CEO of Raining Rose.
“Mike has been with Raining Rose since our early days and has been a major factor to our overall success as a company. Mike initially focused on sales but quickly expanded his role within the company to influence our operations. As Mike has evolved, so has the company,” said Hammond. “I have tremendous confidence in Mike’s ability to help lead our organization to new levels.”
Wehr will retain responsibility for sales and marketing, and will assume a larger role in the overall day-to-day operations of the company. Wehr will also lead the development of new initiatives and products for Raining Rose.
“Raining Rose has three very distinct business units, and we have had tremendous success growing each of them,” said Wehr. “I believe we have a foundation and assets that we can leverage to take the company to new levels. I am incredibly energized to help lead the company to its next phase of innovation tied with operational excellence.”
Wehr is a member of the Cedar Rapids Downtown Rotary and will be heading up the March of Dimes Walk for Babies in 2016.
For more information on Raining Rose, visit www.rainingrose.com.