“Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great engineering and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of human relationships.” – Ross Perot, American Businessman
ever before have I seen an industry with such strong interpersonal relationships as I have within the world of promotional products. This bonding is particularly evident at trade shows where greetings run much deeper than a cordial “hello” and handshake. Folks hug and ask about each others’ kids and spouses, and speak about the ups and downs of their lives. They catch up as old friends do, and then they get down to business.
While we may take these hugs and how-do-you-do’s for granted, relationship building is the foundation of any business and creates an atmosphere of trust, loyalty and reliability. These three key components will keep your customers coming back to you for years to come. So, go ahead and get personal, ask questions and tell stories; before long, you will find you have built a solid reputation and a network that will work as hard for you as you do for them.
Nichole Stella
Editorial Director