Ring binders are a non-seasonal product and appropriate for
virtually all industries you service. When you mix the wide range of markets for ring binders with a multitude of uses, you will find each of your current customers has a potential need for ring binders. Additionally, these products enjoy regular reorders, which can translate into an extra $1,000 to $2,000 per month in annuity income.
There are literally thousands of dollars exchanged each day in the buying and selling of three-ring binders. The binder business is big and lucrative, and too much of the business is going to the giant retail stores and direct sellers on the Internet. In many cases, end-users do not realize the promotional products industry can provide them with quality binders, a wide selection of styles and sizes, and impeccable imprints at a competitive or lower cost than the retail stores or direct sellers. Consider some of these markets: health-care, insurance, financial, manufacturing, schools, civic organizations, wholesalers, automotive, construction, service companies and distributors. In addition, the many uses of ring binders include: employee handbooks, price lists, catalogs, safety programs, membership directories, technical bulletins, training programs, reports, owner’s manuals and sales guides.
Ring binders are available in a myriad of vinyl materials and colors, and can be decorated with either a screen print or hot stamp. Screen printing allows you to decorate the front, spine and back cover at no additional charge. Also, consider our four-color-process screen printing for a design that really pops.
A ring binder becomes an indispensable tool when properly organized with accessories. Index tabs are the most common ring binder organizer; however, many other options are available, including label holders, foam padding, pockets, media trays and sheet lifters. Accessories are often overlooked, yet are a great add-on revenue stream for you. If they don’t get these ring binders and accessories from you, then who? Keep your eye on Fey!
For more information, please
contact us at (800) 533-5340 or visit us at