This is it folks. We’ve finally found it. After years of tireless searching, our efforts have been rewarded at last. We here at Promo Marketing are proud to announce the award for grossest promotion of all time.
And the winner is … Einstein Bros. Bagels! In a move to promote its breakfast sandwiches, the brand has released a limited supply of Cheesy Shampoo and Wakin’ Bacon Conditioner.
If you’re confused as to what the previous sentence means exactly, allow us to elaborate. Einstein Bros. Bagels has released a line of shower products designed to smell like cheese and bacon. They actually want people to wash their hair with the stuff. You can’t make this up.
Look incredible, smell edible. Introducing our new Cheesy Shampoo & Wakin’ Bacon Conditioner, guaranteed to put a little sizzle into your morning routine. Available while supplies last at https://t.co/wWVSl7j3EP pic.twitter.com/fxLaflOvsx
— Einstein Bros. Bagels (@EinsteinBros) March 20, 2018
Now, we’re all for weird and wacky promotions. We routinely feature these sorts of promos, especially from fast food and snack companies. From Wendy’s to Arby’s to Taco Bell to Pizza Hut and beyond, brands have been lining up to embrace the millennial generation’s often-surrealist humor by offering bizarre clothing lines and jewelry products in promotions. But this time, Einstein Bros. has gone too far.
Pungent, food-scented hair products? We’ve got to draw a line somewhere. As consumers, we mustn’t allow brands to insult our senses to such a degree. We’ve got to stand united against this assault on common decency before other brands start doing the same. Next thing we know, Sunoco’s going to come out with a gasoline-scented perfume, and sensible marketing will be lost to us forever. Is this the kind of world you want to live in?
In all seriousness, this campaign is likely to get some attention for Einstein Bros., at least until the next crazy promo comes along. Judging by the fact that the shampoo and conditioner have already sold out, there can be no denying that folks want zany products. Whether or not they’ll actually use them, well, that’s up for anyone’s analysis. However, if while walking down the street today you catch a whiff of cheesy bacon, there’s at least one explanation waiting for you.