With regards to the promotional products industry, food and candy are two of the most effective means of promoting corporate colors and building brand identity. With all the radio spots, print advertisements and commercials out there, it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the information thrown our way each day. Yet, somehow, certain things stick. There is an extensive list of colorful candies just waiting to be matched to your clients’ corporate, team or school colors.
As the saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” When you know exactly which candies and colors are available, you have the power to give your clients instantaneous answers—something they will appreciate. Each color is seen in a variety of shades, ranging from light to dark, and everywhere in between. Most likely, there will be a food or candy to match each one of them. In fact, certain candies can actually be created to match a specific PMS color. Once you know what is available, you can quickly choose a potential match for your client, saving both of you precious time and money.
Unlike trying to find football products to fit the needs of sports clients, or searching for refreshing products for the summertime, corporate colors are applicable to all clients at all times. In addition to matching food or candy to company logos, corporate colors can also be applied to match team, school or event colors of any kind.
Food and candy promotions are among the most customizable promotional products, with infinite possibilities for promoting brand identity. Catalogs containing possible product ideas are exactly that: They hold a large selection of possible products distributors might identify with. But, what if you don’t see exactly what you are looking for? Just ask for help!
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